Stephanie Wiehle, Allemagne.
Mon nom est Stephanie Wiehle, je suis directrice artistique à Berlin.
Après mes études de design et de graphisme à l’école supérieure de Dessau (Université de sciences appliquées de Dessau, duché de Anhalt) je me suis dirigée vers la publicité et ai entre autres travaillé en tant que directrice artistique pour l’agence «Jung von Matt».
Après quelques années, ma nostalgie du dessin est devenue de plus en plus grande (enfant déjà je peignais et dessinais constamment, surtout des chevaux). Je me suis alors décidée à m’installer à mon compte comme illustratrice. Depuis je fais des travaux sur papier mais aussi des lettrages et des calligraphies.
Pour ce faire, j’utilise des outils très différents : plume, stylo-feutre ou crayon à papier.
J’aime l’écriture parce qu’elle est à la fois protéiforme et absolument unique.
On n’a pas besoin d’image pour exprimer le contenu d’un texte avec une écriture particulière. Cela m’intéresse et me fascine.
Parallèlement je suis toujours employée comme directrice artistique et retourne de temps en temps pour une courte période dans le monde de la publicité. Malgré cela, la calligraphie et les travaux sur papier ont ma préférence !
Stephanie Wiehle, Germany.
My name is Stephanie Wiehle, I'm art director in Berlin.
After studying graphic art and design at the School of Dessau (University of applied sciences of Dessau, Anhalt Duchy) I headed myself to advertising and have among other things worked as art director for the agency "Jung von Matt".
After a few years, my nostalgia of drawing has become increasingly important (child already I painted and drew constantly, especially horses). I then decided to set up my own business as an illustrator.
Since I work on paper as well as lettering and calligraphy.
To do so, I use very different tools: pen, felt-tip pen or pencil.
I love writing because it is both multifaceted and absolutely unique.
We do not need an image to express the content of a text with a special writing. This interests me and fascinates me.
Meanwhile I am still employed as an art director and returns occasionally for a short period in the world of advertising. Despite this, calligraphy and works on paper have my preference!
Stephanie Wiehle, Germany.
My name is Stephanie Wiehle, I'm art director in Berlin.
After studying graphic art and design at the School of Dessau (University of applied sciences of Dessau, Anhalt Duchy) I headed myself to advertising and have among other things worked as art director for the agency "Jung von Matt".
After a few years, my nostalgia of drawing has become increasingly important (child already I painted and drew constantly, especially horses). I then decided to set up my own business as an illustrator.
Since I work on paper as well as lettering and calligraphy.
To do so, I use very different tools: pen, felt-tip pen or pencil.
I love writing because it is both multifaceted and absolutely unique.
We do not need an image to express the content of a text with a special writing. This interests me and fascinates me.
Meanwhile I am still employed as an art director and returns occasionally for a short period in the world of advertising. Despite this, calligraphy and works on paper have my preference!
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