Nadine Richtsfeld, Autriche.
Mon nom est Nadine Richtsfeld et j’ai 26 ans.
Une de mes plus grandes passions est l’écriture dans toutes ses variantes; pour cette raison j’ai notamment fréquenté dans ma jeunesse l’Établissement Technique Supérieur de Graphisme, Communication et Design.
J’ai ensuite étudié à l’Ecole Supérieure Spécialisée en Design et Médias de Haute-Autriche, ce qui est une expérience hautement technique.
C’est justement pour cette raison que ma passion pour l’écriture manuscrite a duré jusqu’à aujourd’hui; cela permet une comparaison heureuse entre mes études très tournées vers l’informatique et mon métier actuel de designer web et print.
Dans le futur, j’espère pouvoir toucher encore davantage de personnes avec mes calligraphies.
Nadine Richtsfeld, Austria.
My name is Nadine Richtsfeld and I'm 26 years old.
One of my greates passion is writing in all its ways. That's why I went to The Superior Technical Institution of Graphic Design, Communication and Design.
I then studied at the Superior School Specialized in Design and Medias of Upper-Austria, which is a highly technical experience.
It is precisely for this reason that my passion for handwriting lasted until today, this allows a very happy comparison between my computer oriented studies and my current profession of web and print designer.
In the future, I hope to reach even more people with my calligraphy.
Nadine Richtsfeld, Austria.
My name is Nadine Richtsfeld and I'm 26 years old.
One of my greates passion is writing in all its ways. That's why I went to The Superior Technical Institution of Graphic Design, Communication and Design.
I then studied at the Superior School Specialized in Design and Medias of Upper-Austria, which is a highly technical experience.
It is precisely for this reason that my passion for handwriting lasted until today, this allows a very happy comparison between my computer oriented studies and my current profession of web and print designer.
In the future, I hope to reach even more people with my calligraphy.
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