Mateusz Wolski (WLK), né en 1988, Pologne.
Né en 1988 à Jaworzno en Pologne. Diplômé de la Faculté d’Arts Graphiques et d'Informatique de la Grande École de Technologie de l'Information et de Médecine, en Silésie. Il a réalisé sa thèse sous la direction de Roman Kalarus.
Il trouve son inspiration dans les œuvres d'artistes tels
que Roman Cieslewicz, Francis Starowieyski, Niels Shoe Meulman.
Il pratique la calligraphie depuis 3 ans et s’intéresse
également au Street Art. En 2013, il a exposé ses ouvres dans sa ville natale.
Mateusz Wolski (WLK), born in 1988, Poland.
Born in 1988 in Jaworzno, Poland. Graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Arts and Computer Science of the Great School of Information Technology and Medecine in Silesia. He completed his thesis under the direction of Roman Kalarus. He finds his inspiration in the works of artists such as Roman Cieslewicz, Francis Starowieyski, Niels Shoe Meulman. He practiced calligraphy for three years and is also interested in Street Art. In 2013, he exhibited his works in his hometown.
Mateusz Wolski (WLK), born in 1988, Poland.
Born in 1988 in Jaworzno, Poland. Graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Arts and Computer Science of the Great School of Information Technology and Medecine in Silesia. He completed his thesis under the direction of Roman Kalarus. He finds his inspiration in the works of artists such as Roman Cieslewicz, Francis Starowieyski, Niels Shoe Meulman. He practiced calligraphy for three years and is also interested in Street Art. In 2013, he exhibited his works in his hometown.
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